Potresne poruke sportaša zbog strašnog zločina: 'Ovo je kulminacija promocije nasilja i nemorala'
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - The entrance to the "Vladislav Ribnikar" Elementary School, where a tragedy occurred this morning when a seventh-grade student killed eight students and a worker, was secured. Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ulaz u Osnovnu skolu "Vladislav Ribnikar” gde se jutros desila tragedija kada je ucenik sedmog razreda ubio osam ucenika i radnika obezbedjena. Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - The entrance to the "Vladislav Ribnikar" Elementary School, where a tragedy occurred this morning when a seventh-grade student killed eight students and a worker, was secured. Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ulaz u Osnovnu skolu "Vladislav Ribnikar” gde se jutros desila tragedija kada je ucenik sedmog razreda ubio osam ucenika i radnika obezbedjena. Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - The entrance to the "Vladislav Ribnikar" Elementary School, where a tragedy occurred this morning when a seventh-grade student killed eight students and a worker, was secured. Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ulaz u Osnovnu skolu "Vladislav Ribnikar” gde se jutros desila tragedija kada je ucenik sedmog razreda ubio osam ucenika i radnika obezbedjena. Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - Three children were admitted to the Children's Clinic in Tirsova street, from the shooting at OS "Vladislav Ribnikar" in Vracar, whose actor is a 14-year-old seventh-grade student.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - U Deciju kliniku u Tirsovoj ulici, primljeno je troje dece, iz pucnjave u OS "Vladislav Ribnikar“ na Vracaru, ciji je akter ucenik sedmog razreda od 14 godina. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATA Images/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - Three children were admitted to the Children's Clinic in Tirsova street, from the shooting at OS "Vladislav Ribnikar" in Vracar, whose actor is a 14-year-old seventh-grade student.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - U Deciju kliniku u Tirsovoj ulici, primljeno je troje dece, iz pucnjave u OS "Vladislav Ribnikar“ na Vracaru, ciji je akter ucenik sedmog razreda od 14 godina. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATA Images/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - Three children were admitted to the Children's Clinic in Tirsova street, from the shooting at OS "Vladislav Ribnikar" in Vracar, whose actor is a 14-year-old seventh-grade student.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - U Deciju kliniku u Tirsovoj ulici, primljeno je troje dece, iz pucnjave u OS "Vladislav Ribnikar“ na Vracaru, ciji je akter ucenik sedmog razreda od 14 godina. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATA Images/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - An extraordinary press conference on the occasion of the tragedy that happened at the "Vladislav Ribnikar" Elementary School in Belgrade was held at the Government of Serbia. Veselin Milic. 03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Vanredna konferencija za novinare, povodom tragedije koja se desila u Osnovnoj skoli "Vladislav Ribnikar” u Beogradu, odrzana je u Vladi Srbije. Photo: Amir Hamzagic/ATA Images/PIXSELL