Uhićen otac napadača (14) iz Srbije: Oružje držao u sefu, sina vodio u streljane
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole Vladislav Ribnikar kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole "Vladislav Ribnikar" kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole "Vladislav Ribnikar" kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole "Vladislav Ribnikar" kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole "Vladislav Ribnikar" kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole "Vladislav Ribnikar" kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole "Vladislav Ribnikar" kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole "Vladislav Ribnikar" kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole Vladislav Ribnikar kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole Vladislav Ribnikar kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole Vladislav Ribnikar kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole Vladislav Ribnikar kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning.
03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole Vladislav Ribnikar kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages/PIXSELL
03, May, 2023, Belgrade - A student of the seventh grade of the Elementary School Vladislav Ribnikar is suspected to have fired a pistol at the security guard, the teacher and the students this morning. 03, maj, 2023, Beograd - Ucenik sedmog razreda Osnovne skole Vladislav Ribnikar kako se sumnja, pucao je jutros iz pistolja na obezbeđenje, nastavnicu i ucenike. Photo: A.M./ATA Images/PIXSELL