Većina građana Srbije ne vjeruje u službene podatke o epidemiji, imaju pesimistično stajalište
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, July, 2020, Belgrade - The Ministry of Health and the Army of the Republic of Serbia are setting up military beds in the Stark Arena to form a temporary covid hospital for people who have mild symptoms of the coronavirus. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL
06, jul,2020, Beograd - Ministarstvo zdravlja i Vojska Republike Srbije namestaju vojne krevete u Stark areni za formiranje privremene kovid bolnice za ljude koji imaju blaze simtome korona virusa. Photo: Antonio Ahel/ATAImages/PIXSELL