Nižu se kritike na sigurnost njemačkih aerodroma, Uprava ne vidi eventualne propuste
04 November 2023, Hamburg: Police cars and a special vehicle are parked at the airport. Hamburg Airport has been closed after a vehicle entered the premises. A gunman had broken through a gate with his vehicle and had already fired twice into the air, said a spokesman for the federal police on Saturday evening. Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa Photo: Jonas Walzberg/DPA
04 November 2023, Hamburg: A damaged barrier through which a man allegedly crashed his car at the airport. Hamburg Airport has been closed after a vehicle entered the premises. A gunman had broken through a gate with his vehicle and had already fired twice into the air, a spokesman for the federal police said on Saturday evening. Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa Photo: Jonas Walzberg/DPA
04 November 2023, Hamburg: Police officers with special equipment and special camouflage are on duty at the airport. Hamburg Airport has been closed after a vehicle entered the premises. An armed man had broken through a gate with his vehicle and had already fired twice into the air, said a spokesman for the federal police on Saturday evening. Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa Photo: Jonas Walzberg/DPA
04 November 2023, Hamburg: A police officer is on duty at the airport. Hamburg Airport has been closed after a vehicle entered the premises. A gunman had broken through a gate with his vehicle and had already fired twice into the air, a spokesman for the federal police said on Saturday evening. Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa Photo: Jonas Walzberg/DPA
Heute Abend um kurz nach 20 Uhr hat ein Auto ein Tor zum Sicherheitsbereich des Hamburger Flughafens durchbrochen. In dem Auto sollen sich ein Mann und zwei Kinder befinden. Der Mann ist bewaffnet und hat die Waffe auch benutzt, bzw. Schüsse abgegeben. Die Schüsse gingen wohl in die Luft. Laut Bundespolizei soll es sich um eine Kindesentziehung handeln. Die Polizei Hamburg und die Bundespolizei sind mit einem Großaufgebot und Spezialkräften im Einsatz. Der Flughafen Hamburg ist zur Zeit gesperrt, die Terminals wurden evakuiert. Stand 22.37 Uhr Hamburg, der 04.11.2023 Auto rast durch Tor am Hamburger Flughafen - Schüsse auf Vorfeld, Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel Hamburg Deutschland Hamburg Airport Helmut-Schmidt- *** Shortly after 8 p.m. this Photo: IMAGO/Lenthe-Medien/Schmid/IMAGOSTOCK&PEOPLE
04 November 2023, Hamburg: Emergency services block access to Hamburg Airport during an operation. An armed hostage-taker forced his way onto the apron of Hamburg Airport in his car on Saturday evening. The entire airport was cleared and cordoned off. According to the police, the man had a four-year-old child in his grip. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA
04 November 2023, Hamburg: Emergency services block access to Hamburg Airport during an operation. An armed hostage-taker forced his way onto the apron of Hamburg Airport in his car on Saturday evening. The entire airport was cleared and cordoned off. According to the police, the man had a four-year-old child in his grip. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA
04 November 2023, Hamburg: Heavily armed forces secure access to the terminals at Hamburg Airport during an operation (screenshot of the video). An armed hostage-taker entered the apron of Hamburg Airport in his car on Saturday evening. The entire airport was cleared and cordoned off. According to the police, the man had a four-year-old child in his grip. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA
04 November 2023, Hamburg: Emergency services stand on the apron at Hamburg Airport during an operation. An armed hostage-taker entered the apron of Hamburg Airport in his car on Saturday evening. The entire airport was cleared and cordoned off. According to the police, the man had a four-year-old child in his grip. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA
04 November 2023, Hamburg: Terminal 1 is deserted during an operation at Hamburg Airport. An armed hostage-taker entered the apron of Hamburg Airport in his car on Saturday evening. The entire airport was cleared and cordoned off. According to the police, the man had a four-year-old child in his grip. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA
04 November 2023, Hamburg: Emergency services block access to Hamburg Airport during an operation. An armed hostage-taker forced his way onto the apron of Hamburg Airport in his car on Saturday evening. The entire airport was cleared and cordoned off. According to the police, the man had a four-year-old child in his grip. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA
05 November 2023, Hamburg: Emergency services close off the access road to Hamburg Airport during an operation. An armed man is holding his four-year-old daughter at the airport. According to the police, the reason for this is a custody dispute. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA
05 November 2023, Hamburg: Firefighters are on standby on Alsterkrugchaussee during an operation at Hamburg Airport. Hamburg Airport has been closed after a vehicle entered the premises. An armed man is holding his four-year-old daughter at the airport. According to the police, the background to the incident is a custody dispute. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA
05 November 2023, Hamburg: Emergency services close off the access road to Hamburg Airport during an operation. An armed man is holding his four-year-old daughter at the airport. According to the police, the reason for this is a custody dispute. Photo: Bodo Marks/dpa Photo: Bodo Marks/DPA