Legendarni vratar pijan teturao i rušio se na Oktoberfestu. Priveli ga kad nije mogao napuhati

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Legendarni vratar pijan teturao i rušio se na Oktoberfestu. Priveli ga kad nije mogao napuhati
u 20:30
U Munchenu je snimljen na provodu na Oktoberfestu gdje je unio u sebe nekoliko krigli pive, a po odlasku kući policija ga je uhvatila kako tetura "smrdeći po alkoholu"
Pogledaj originalni članak

Brončani njemački vratar iz 2006. Jens Lehmann član je "Nepobjedivih" iz Arsenalove generacije 2003./04., a upisan je i kao igrač s najranijim crvenim kartonom u povijesti finala Lige prvaka kojeg je 2006. godine dobio protiv Barcelone već u sedmoj minuti nakon rušenja Samuela Eto'a.

U Munchenu je snimljen na provodu na Oktoberfestu gdje je unio u sebe nekoliko krigli pive, a po odlasku kući policija ga je uhvatila kako tetura "smrdeći po alkoholu". Zaustavili su ga i dali mu da puše u alkotest, no nije ga nikako mogao napuhati. Zatim su ga odveli u policijsku postaju na dodatne pretrage i oduzeli mu vozačku dozvolu.

FOTO Planirate na Oktoberfest? Evo koliko košta krigla piva, litra vode, pola pilića, svinjskog pečenja.

Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich

"Gospodin Lehmann je bio podvrgnut policijskoj kontroli 23. rujna 2024. oko 1:30 ujutro zbog njegovog neobičnog ponašanja u vožnji u automobilu u užem gradskom području Münchena. Policija je zatim primijetila jasan miris alkohola. Alkotestiranjem nije dao upotrebljive rezultate, nakon čega je naloženo vađenje krvi i oduzeta vozačka dozvola", izjavila je viša državna tužiteljica Anne Leiding.

Lehmann je karijeru prekinuo 2011. godine kao 41-godišnjak, a nakon toga se počeo upuštati u razne provode. Sve je u principu krenulo 2009. još dok je bio aktivan kad ga je Stuttgart izbacio iz tima zbog odlaska na Oktoberfest bez dopuštenja. Nakon odlaska u mirovinu odlazio bi na kojekakve festivale, a razne probleme s policijom i sudovima imao je i van svih tih festivala. Prošle godine sud ga je kaznio s 480 tisuća eura jer je - motornom pilom prerezao krov garaže svog susjeda kako bi dobio bolji pogled na jezero Starnberg.

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Komentari 5

15:20 26.09.2024.

Pa opio se za svoje novce i neka je

Avatar neurazumljiv
23:26 25.09.2024.

"snimljen na provodu na Oktoberfestu gdje je unio u sebe nekoliko krigli pive" Pa zbog toga se ide na Oktoberfest.

Avatar Šund_Alpinisti
18:00 26.09.2024.

Sva sreća da su ga zaustavili. Mogao je ovako pijan, kad dođe doma i pljusnuti kroz prozor.