VIDEO Sahranjen Duda Ivković: Lijes mu nosili Dino Rađa, Vlade Divac i drugi slavni košarkaši

Foto: screenshot/Blic
Foto: A.K./ATAImages/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: A.K./ATAImages/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: Jurica Galoic/PIXSELL
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: A.K./ATAImages/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: A.K./ATAImages/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.
u 16:36
Uz Rađu ondje su bili: Jure Zdovc, Vlde Divac, Željko Obradović, Žarko Paspalj, Predrag Danilović...
Pogledaj originalni članak

Legendarni košarkaški trener Dušan Duda Ivković sahranjen je danas na beogradskom Novom groblju u obiteljskoj grobnici. 

Sahrani je prisustvovao veliki broj ljudi, a među njima je bilo puno bivših i sadašnjih košarkaša s kojima je pokojni Duda surađivao. 

Neki od njih, među kojima i slavni Hrvat Dino Rađa, Dudu su odnijeli na posljednji počinak.

Uz Rađu ondje su bili: Jure Zdovc, Vlde Divac, Željko Obradović, Žarko Paspalj, Predrag Danilović... 

Video možete pogledati OVDJE.

Foto: Amir Hamzagic/PIXSELL
Dusan Duda Ivkovic, the legendary basketball coach, was buried in the family tomb at the New Cemetery. Dusan Duda Ivkovic, legendarni kosarkaski trener, sahranjen je u porodicnoj grobnici na Novom groblju.

Podsjetimo, Dušan Duda Ivković, legendarni srpski košarkaški trener, preminuo je u 78. godini u četvrtak u Beogradu.

– U šest sati i 50 minuta Dušan je preminuo u bolnici u Beogradu od posljedica vode u plućima i herpesa – potvrdio je prvi čovjek Radničkog Goran Kalinić za Sportklub.


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Komentari 25

Avatar markoii123
08:56 22.09.2021.

Bravo za Divca,Rađu,Danilovića... to je bila prava ekipa i zasluženo su bili prvaci svijeta. Ostali su prijatelji do današnjeg dana. Preporučujem svima dokumentarac 250 stepenica koji govori o osvajanju zlata 1988. Kapa do poda momčine.

Deleted user
18:31 21.09.2021.

Dalmacija, malo si priglup ae

23:13 21.09.2021.

Dino je takva ljudina od čoveka koji se retko Radja. Da je više takvih.