Britanija se priprema za velike nerede: Ekstremisti planiraju napade na 38 'meta', dignuto 6000 policajaca

Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Southport incident
Police wearing riot protection equipment patrol the seafront esplanade following an anti-immigration protest in Weymouth
People riot in Hull
u 10:26
Ekstremisti su na Telegramu objavili popis ciljeva, koji uključuju centre za azilante, a objavili su i priručnik za pravljenje Molotovljevih koktela.
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Velika Britanija se priprema za moguće nove nasilne nerede jer desničarski ekstremisti navodno planiraju napade na 38 lokacija diljem zemlje. Policija je stavila 6.000 svojih pripadnika u stanje pripravnosti kako bi se nosila s mogućim nemirima, javlja Sky News. Ekstremisti su na Telegramu objavili popis ciljeva, koji uključuju centre za azilante, a objavili su i priručnik za pravljenje Molotovljevih koktela.

Nasilje se, inače, već dogodilo u nekoliko gradova. U Belfastu su rasistički huligani zapalili trgovine koje vode britanski Azijati, a u Middlesbroughu su se dogodili slični incidenti. Policijska vozila pogođena su Molotovljevima u Belfastu, dok su nasilnici napali policajce i u Plymouthu. Uz to, muslimanska groblja su oskrvnjena u Burnleyu, a šest osoba je uhapšeno u Plymouthu. 

Desničarski ekstremisti planiraju napade na više od 30 centara za azilante i podijelili su "priručnik za paljenje" na forumu. Telegram grupa s više od 14.000 članova također navodi detalje o odvjetnicima za imigraciju, dobrotvornim organizacijama i savjetovalištima širom Engleske. Članovi grupe su postavili upute za napade na ove centre u specifičnim vremenskim intervalima. Jedan post u grupi u samo dva sata pregledalo je više od 125.000 ljudi, izvještava The Times. Neki centri za azilante su već zatvoreni ili su zatvorili prozore, dok su odvjetnici na listi upozoreni da zaštite svoje poštanske sandučiće. Predsjednik Udruge odvjetnika Nick Emmerson izrazio je ozbiljnu zabrinutost zbog sigurnosti svojih članova.

Policija je uvela dodatne mjere sigurnosti, uključujući angažiranje više od 2.000 dodatnih policajaca u jednoj od najvećih policijskih operacija od Drugog svjetskog rata. Premijer Keir Starmer predvodio je u ponedjeljak hitan sastanak Cobre, posebnog odbora za hitne slučajeve britanske vlade, koji okuplja ministre, državne službenike, policiju i obavještajnu službu. Iako je nasilje prošle noći bilo relativno malo, policija je u Liverpoolu i Durhamu izdala naredbe za disperziju kako bi spriječila moguće nemire.


Do antimuslimanskih prosvjeda, da podsjetimo, došlo je nakon što su prošli ponedjeljak u gradu Southportu na sjeverozapadu Engleske nožem ubijene tri djevojčice na plesnom događanju posvećenom Taylor Swift. U bjesomučnom napadu nožem u Southportu na smrt su izbodene Alice Dasilva Aguiar (9), Bebe King (6) i Elsie Dot Stancombe (7). Osmero druge djece također je izbodeno.

Muslimansko vijeće Britanije kaže da je islamofobična reakcija započela lažnim glasinama i dezinformacijama na internetu o povezanosti zločina s muslimanima. Policija je, pak, naknadno priopćila da je osumnjičenik za napad Axel Rudakubana (17), inače rođen u glavnom gradu Walesa, Cardiffu. Roditelji su mu iz Ruande i prema prvim informacijama, nemaju očite veze s islamom. Do sada je zbog nemira došlo do 400-tinjak uhićenja.

FOTO Šokantno nasilje u Britaniji, premijer sazvao hitnu sjednicu posebnog odbora: 'Neću se ustručavati da to nazovem pravim imenom'

Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Police wearing riot protection equipment patrol the seafront esplanade following an anti-immigration protest in Weymouth
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK

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Komentari 18

Deleted user
11:04 07.08.2024.

Nigdje na svijetu nema te policije koja može zaustaviti narod. To smo vidjeli puno puta.

Avatar FalusBonus
11:59 07.08.2024.

To i nas čeka, sve to ide po nečijem planu

10:32 07.08.2024.

Zanimljivo onih što viću A-ukeber sa mačetama nema u izvještajima novinara, ali zato ima na Tik-Toku, valjda zato taj ogavni medij se pokušava zabraniti.