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FOTO Borbe prestale prvi put u sedam tjedana: Ovo su danas oslobođeni izraelski taoci

A convoy of vehicles carrying hostages abducted by Hamas militants during the October 7 attack on Israel arrives through the border crossing with Gaza
A convoy of vehicles carrying hostages abducted by Hamas militants during the October 7 attack on Israel arrives through the border crossing with Gaza
A convoy of vehicles carrying hostages abducted by Hamas militants during the October 7 attack on Israel arrives through the border crossing with Gaza
Palestinian Islamist group Hamas releases hostages
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Channa Peri, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Doron Katz-Asher, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Hanna Katzir, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Rout Munder, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Yafa Adar, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Keren Munder, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Adina Moshe, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Ohad Munder, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Margalit Mozes, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Daniel Aloni, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Aviv Katz-Asher, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Raz Katz-Asher, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Emilia Aloni, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
u 21:00
Katar, posrednik u sporazumu o prekidu vatre, objavio je da je pušteno 13 Izraelaca, neki od njih s dvostrukim državljanstvom, te 10 Tajlanđana i Filipinac
Pogledaj originalni članak

Palestinska islamistička organizacija Hamas je u petak, na prvi dan primirja, oslobodila 24 talaca, a Izrael je iz svojih zatvora pustio 39 palestinskih žena i djece, objavili su Katar i Crveni križ. Devet sati nakon što su borbe prestale prvi put u sedam tjedana, Crveni križ je rekao da je krenuo transfer talaca iz Gaze u Izrael u zamjenu za Palestince zatočene u izraelskim zatvorima.

Dvadesetčetvero talaca je prebačeno iz Gaze i predano egipatskim vlastima kod graničnog prijelaza Rafah. Katar, posrednik u sporazumu o prekidu vatre, objavio je da je pušteno 13 Izraelaca, neki od njih s dvostrukim državljanstvom, te 10 Tajlanđana i Filipinac. Zauzvrat je iz izraelskih zatvora pušteno 39 palestinskih žena i djece, rekao je Katar.

"Duboka bol koju osjećaju članovi obitelji odvojeni od svojih bližnjih je neopisiva. Laknulo nam je što će se neki ponovno sresti nakon duge agonije", izjavio je Fabrizio Carboni, regionalni upravitelj Crvenog križa za Bliski istok.

GALERIJA Izraelski taoci oslobođeni nakon sporazuma Hamasa i Izraela

Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Channa Peri, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Doron Katz-Asher, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Hanna Katzir, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Rout Munder, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Yafa Adar, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Keren Munder, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Adina Moshe, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Ohad Munder, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Margalit Mozes, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Daniel Aloni, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Aviv Katz-Asher, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Raz Katz-Asher, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel
Foto: Bring them home/REUTERS
Undated handout picture of Israeli hostage Emilia Aloni, who was released after hostages-prisoners swap deal between Hamas and Israel

Prema uvjetima četverodnevnog primirja između Izraela i Hamasa, 50 žena i djece biti pušteno u zamjenu za 150 palestinskih žena i djece u izraelskim zatvorima, gdje ih se nalaze tisuće. Izrael tvrdi da bi se primirje moglo produžiti ako svakoga dana na slobodu bude pušteno dodatnih 10 osoba. Prvih trinaest je u petak oslobođeno u zamjenu za 24 Palestinke i 15 tinejdžera.

Izvor upućen u pregovore je rekao da je puštanje tajlandskih radnika, od kojih su svi muškarci, nepovezano s pregovorima o primirju i da je ono rezultat posebnog dogovora s Hamasom u kojem su posredovali Egipat i Katar.

Tajlandski i filipinski poljoprivredni radnici, zaposleni na jugu Izraela, bili su među 240 talaca odvedenih u Gazu kada su Hamasovi borci 7. listopada upali preko granice.


VIDEO Božo Kovačević komentirao što očekivati od primirja Izraelaca i Hamasa

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Komentari 3

22:19 24.11.2023.

Neka se lijepo dogovore i ne maltretiraju ostatak svijeta , ionako su polubraća !

05:57 25.11.2023.

Arapi jos uvijek nehotice priznaju da su Izraelci tri puta u svemu vredniji od Arapa jer i sada za 13 Izraelskih talaca teroristi ce dobiti 39 svojih osudenih zlocinaca!

00:34 25.11.2023.

Razlika osoba koje pustaju teroristi od osoba koje pusta Izrael je u tome da Izrael pusta osudene zlocince bandite u zamjenu za nevine civile koje su oteli razbojnici teroristi!