sastanak eurogrupe

Izlaskom iz eurozone Grčka će izići i iz EU

Foto: Reuters/PIXSELL
Izlaskom iz eurozone Grčka će izići i iz EU
u 00:15
Tsipras: Spreman sam preuzeti odgovornost za jedno 'veliko ne' nastavku katastrofalne politike grčkih kreditora
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Grčki premijer Alexis Tsipras izjavio je jučer da je spreman "preuzeti odgovornost za jedno 'veliko ne' nastavku katastrofalne politike" grčkih kreditora iz eurozone i MMF-a prema Grčkoj. To je dosad najjasnija Tsiprasova najava spremnosti odbijanja trenutačnih zahtjeva kreditora sve do kraja ovog mjeseca kada istječe program pomoći i kada mnogi strahuju da će uslijediti bankrot Grčke.

Grčka burza u posljednja tri dana pala je gotovo 11 posto u strahu investitora od približavanja kraja mjeseca bez dogovora Atene i Bruxellesa/Berlina.

Ministri financija eurozone danas se sastaju na sastanku Eurogrupe, no nema naznaka da se stavovi približavaju i moguće je da će propasti i ova prilika za postizanje dogovora.

Guverner grčke narodne banke Yannis Stournaras jučer je dramatično upozorio da bi "neuspjeh u postizanju dogovora označio početak bolnog procesa koji bi u početku doveo do ogluhe plaćanja, a u konačnici do izlaska Grčke iz eurozone i, vrlo vjerojatno, iz EU".

– Postizanje dogovora s našim partnerima povijesni je imperativ koji ne možemo ignorirati – dodao je Y. Stournaras.

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>>Grčka se nada da će postići dogovor sa zajmodavcima 18. lipnja

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Komentari 30

Avatar viki_nuland
02:46 18.06.2015.

Sto prije to naprave tim bolje. Grcka ce se izvuci jer je zadnjih 5 godina bilo spasavanje Njemackih i Francuskih banaka a ne Grcke drzave, medjutim naivni Grci su racunali na nekakvu izmisljenu Europsku solidarnost. Mi smo slijedici za odstrel od strane bankarske mafije.

06:37 18.06.2015.

ne moze se tek tako izaci iz eu..procedura traje godinama..ipak valjalo bi da pokazu put ostalima pa da cim prije i mi napustimo tu pokvarenu masonsku eu i pocnemo sami biti gospodari svoje drzave i sudbine.. ako vratimo hnb u drzavne iz privatnih ruku pola smo posla odradili..

Deleted user
07:07 18.06.2015.

Evo kako djeluje MMF : It is a bit frustrating to me that there are still posters here who scoff at this Greek issue as being "nothing" or saying "their economy is too small to affect the world economy." Such comments do not take into account "the big picture." Yes, the banks created money out of thin air and lent it to Greece. Those who scoff simply think that the money was created out of thin air, so it's no big deal if it never gets repaid because it wasn't real to begin with; but that's NOT the case. Once the money was created and lent to Greece, it was entered into the banks accounting system as an "asset" of the bank. With the world's "fractional reserve banking," a bank can lend the same dollar (asset) 19 times. So the "asset" of billions in loans to Greece, enabled even MORE lending to others by those banks. When Greece defaults, the primary "asset" the bank used to make other loans, is gone. The bank's Books now show the bank as insolvent because several Billion in cash lent to Greece is gone! So the banks involved cannot lend more money because they are exceeding their fractional reserve limits. That causes a credit crunch at the bank involved, so the bank will turn to it's "insurance" which is called a "Credit Default Swap (CDS)." A CDS is a guarantee by someone ELSE (usually a bank or Hedge Fund), that a debtor will pay - and if the Debtor does NOT pay, the someone else pays. CDS are sold by Banks to other banks. When the primary lender turns to the CDS issuer for the money that Greece is not paying, THAT bank/Hedge Fund will (theoretically) fork-over the cash that Greece did not pay. But the banks and Hedge Funds that issued the CDS never figured they'd HAVE to pay . . . . and don't have the money necessary to actually pay. So now THOSE banks/Hedge Funds have claims against them which they cannot pay - and they are technically insolvent too! At that point, people with money in the now-insolvent banks/Hedge Funds, panic and want their money. It isn't there. So in order to get cash, the banks and hedge funds start liquidating STOCKS and BONDS they hold to get cash. This causes the stock value to plummet and Bond Costs to increase. Still unable to raise enough cash, the Banks and Hedge Funds go belly-up. This wipes out Pensions, 401-K's, IRA's and the like - which are insured by FDIC for ONLY $250,000. The FDIC is also in a bind because they have publicly stated they do not have enough cash on hand to cover if a "too big to fail" bank actually fails! As this takes place, the public loses confidence in banks and starts taking their money out. Similarly, as the stock market tanks, folks begin pulling out of that too, which just makes it all worse. In the end, the entire planet gets financially wiped out because the system is so heavily leveraged and no one can pay. Result: Worldwide economic collapse. Dire financial depression. WAR.