Njemački kancelar može lakše disati: SPD tijesno pobijedio ispred AfD-a na izborima u Brandenburgu

Foto: Fabrizio Bensch/REUTERS
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visits a vineyard in the town of Werder
Foto: Fabrizio Bensch/REUTERS
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visits a vineyard in the town of Werder
u 20:51
Njegova popularnost u Brandenburgu je, prema procjenama analitičara, doprinijela oporavku SPD-a koji se još prije nekoliko tjedana u ispitivanjima javnog mnijenja nalazio ispod 20 posto.
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Socijaldemokratska stranka Njemačke (SPD) je prema prvim privremenim rezultatima pobjednik izbora u saveznoj pokrajini Brandenburg pobijedivši, suprotno očekivanjima, tijesno ispred desno-populističke Alternative za Njemačku (AfD)."Izgleda da su socijaldemokrati, kao i toliko puno puta u povijesti, spriječili ekstremiste na putu prema vlasti", rekao je dosadašnji premijer Dietmar Woidke (SPD).Prema prvim rezultatima, SPD je u Brandenburgu biralo 31,2 posto birača. AfD podržava 29,2 posto.

Kršćansko-demokratska unija (CDU) je s 11,6 posto glasova ostvarila svoj najslabiji rezultat u nekoj istočnonjemačkoj saveznoj pokrajini do sada. Novoosnovana ljevičarsko-populistička stranka Savez Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) je osvojila 12 posto. Stranka Zeleni, koja je do sada sa SPD-om i CDU-om tvorila koaliciju u Brandenburgu, se nalazi na rubu izbornog praga, ali će zbog mogućih direktnih mandata najvjerojatnije ući u parlament u Potsdamu. Prelazak izbornog praga nije pošao za rukom Liberalno-demokratskoj stranci (FDP) koja na saveznoj razini sudjeluje u radu koalicijske vlade Olafa Scholza.

Woidke kao i čelnici dosadašnjih koalicijskih partnera u Brandenburgu su signalizirali nastavak dosadašnje koalicije između SPD-a, CDU-a i Zelenih. Woidke je u predizbornoj kampanji najavio da u slučaju pobjede AfD-a na izborima neće stajati na raspolaganju kao premijer. Njegova popularnost u Brandenburgu je, prema procjenama analitičara, doprinijela oporavku SPD-a koji se još prije nekoliko tjedana u ispitivanjima javnog mnijenja nalazio ispod 20 posto.

Uspjeh SPD-a je umanjio pritisak na saveznu vladu socijaldemokrata Olafa Scholza koja se nalazi na udaru kritika zbog neučinkovitosti prije svega na polju migracijske i gospodarske politike, ali i nakon lošeg rezultata vladinih stranaka na izborima u Saskoj i Tiringiji početkom rujna. I na izborima u Brandenburgu pitanje migracije, ali i podrška Ukrajini, odigrali su presudnu ulogu. Izlaznost je sa 74 posto bila osjetno viša nego 2019. kada je biralo 61 posto od oko 2,1 milijuna građana s pravom glasa.

FOTO Planirate na Octoberfest?

Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich

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