Policajac kolegama ukrao pištolj i automatsku pušku pa se branio: Učinio sam to da pomognem siromašnim roditeljima!?

Foto: Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL
Zagreb: 2. Međunarodni prosvjed za zabranu lova
Foto: Marijan Susenj
Koprivnica: Policijski službenici tijekom obavljanja svakodnevnih dužnosti
Foto: Boris Scitar/Vecernji list
Karlovac: Željko Pavlin, direktor tvornice oružja HS Produkt
u 18:00
U zagrebačkoj policiji kažu je to oružje nađeno no da se i dalje utvrđuju okolnosti kupoprodaje. Pištolj nije bio sve što A. P. ukrao, jer ga se sumnjiči da je 29. kolovoza također iz zgrade koju koriste specijalna i interventna policija ukrao - automatsku pušku!?
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Razbojništvo, dvije teške krađe i to iz policije te nedozvoljeno posjedovanje, izrada i nabavljanje oružja stavljaju se na teret A. P. policajcu kojeg su uhitile njegove zagrebačke kolege, nakon čega je bio predmet kriminalističkog istraživanja. Kojim je otkriveno da je A. P prvo između 16. i 17. srpnja iz službenih prostorija Jedinice specijalne i interventne policije na Organičkom odvojku u Zagrebu otuđio službeni pištolj koji je pripadao njegovom kolegi. A. P. je u zgradi interventne i specijalne policije  radio kao policajac, a pištolj kojeg je ukrao kasnije je - prodao.

U zagrebačkoj policiji kažu je to oružje nađeno no da se i dalje utvrđuju okolnosti kupoprodaje. Pištolj nije bio sve što A. P. ukrao, jer ga se sumnjiči da je 29. kolovoza također iz zgrade koju koriste specijalna i interventna policija ukrao  - automatsku pušku!?

Osim za krađu pištolja i automatske puške elitnim pripadnicima policije, A. P. se sumnjiči  i da je 19. kolovoza u Leprovici orobio trgovinu. Tamo je zaposlenici prijetio pištoljem prije no što je odnio nekoliko stotina eura. Kako je A. P. pripadnik policije, nakon što je uhićen, rješenjem načelnika PU zagrebačke, udaljen je iz službe zbog sumnje u počinjenje teže povrede službene dužnosti. Protiv njega će se podnijeti i zahtjev za pokretanjem disciplinskog postupka nadležnom Disciplinskom sudu u Zagrebu.

Policajci su svom kolegi pretražili dom i automobil te su našli i oduzeli dvije puške, od kojih je jedna i ona otuđena 29. kolovoza, a pronađeno je i razno streljivo. Nakon toga je doveden prvo na tužiteljstvo radi ispitivanja, a zatim i kod suca istrage  Županijskog suda u Zagrebu. Određen mu je jednomjesečni istražni zatvor zbog opasnosti od ponavljanja djela. Neslužbeno se doznaje da je A. P. priznao sve za što se tereti te da se branio da je kolegama oružje ukrao jer je htio financijski pomoći roditeljima koji su - siromašni!?

FOTO Ulice Izraela u kaosu, Netanyahu pred sve većim pritiskom zaprijetio: 'Poravnat ćemo račune'

Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv


Jelena Perčin: 'S prvim suprugom imam fenomenalan odnos, a Momo djecu 'na papiru' može viđati svaki drugi vikend'

– U trenutku kada su mediji dobili informaciju da smo se Momo i ja razveli, mi smo već godinu dana bili zapravo razvedeni. Tako da je sada već prošlo dvije godine otkad je svatko krenuo svojim putem. Svojoj djeci nikada nisam rekla: "Vaši mama i tata više se ne vole." To mi je grozno! Uvijek sam im objašnjavala da volim njihovog tatu, ali da više nismo zaljubljeni – između ostalog, kazala je glumica Jelena Perčin u velikom intervjuu za Večernji list.

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