Strava u Slavoniji: Auto se silovito zabio u stablo, poginula dva mladića

Foto: Igor Kralj/PIXSELL
Strava u Slavoniji: Auto se silovito zabio u stablo, poginula dva mladića
u 07:12
D-51 zatvorena za sav promet koji se odvija obilaznim pravcima
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Dvoje ljudi je preminulo u teškoj prometnoj nesreći u mjesto Kula, kod Kutjeva. - U mjestu Kula, u ulici S. Radića, došlo je do slijetanja osobnog automobila s kolnika i udara u stablo, kojom prilikom su smrtno stradale dvije osobe. D-51 zatvorena je za sav promet, koji se odvija obilaznim pravcima - javlja PU požeško-slavonska, koja dodaje da slijedi očevid.

Lokalni portal Pozega.eu javlja da su u prometnoj stradali mladići stari 17 i 23 godine. "Na mjestu nesreće prizori od kojih se ledi krv u žilama. Automobil je uništen do neprepoznatljivosti, a mladićima, nažalost, nije bilo pomoći. Poginuli su gotovo na kućnom pragu", piše Pozega.eu.


FOTO Šokantno nasilje u Britaniji, premijer sazvao hitnu sjednicu posebnog odbora: 'Neću se ustručavati da to nazovem pravim imenom'

Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Police wearing riot protection equipment patrol the seafront esplanade following an anti-immigration protest in Weymouth
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK

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Komentari 3

Štap sa glavom
08:26 06.08.2024.

Na ravnoj cesti treba znati sletjeti s ceste!

08:40 06.08.2024.

Tko god vozi auto nosi glavu u torbi.a ponarucito mladi neiskusni.tek su poceli zivjeti steta.

Avatar Orao
08:28 06.08.2024.

To moraš biti genijalac da ne poštuješ brzinu....ovo je bila 100+ brzina...bravo dečki bravo