FOTO Nevjerojatne fotografije uragana koji je opustošio karipske otoke. Više mrtvih

Foto: Ian Hughes/REUTERS
Buildings with damaged roofs are seen in a drone photograph after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
Foto: RALPH GONSALVES via Facebook/REU
Hurricane Beryl hits St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Foto: NASA/Matthew Dominick/REUTERS
View of Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean taken from the International Space Station
Foto: The Agency For Public Informatio
A view of damaged property, following Hurricane Beryl, in Union Island
Foto: The Agency For Public Informatio
A view of damaged property, following Hurricane Beryl, in Union Island
Foto: Instagram/@moises.arias06/REUTER
Hurricane Beryl passes Dominican Republic
Foto: Instagram/@moises.arias06/REUTER
Hurricane Beryl passes Dominican Republic
Foto: Dickon Mitchell via Facebook/REU
Grenada's PM Mitchell assesses damage following Hurricane Beryl, in Carriacou
Foto: Dickon Mitchell via Facebook/REU
Grenada's PM Mitchell assesses damage following Hurricane Beryl, in Carriacou
Foto: Dickon Mitchell via Facebook/REU
Grenada's PM Mitchell assesses damage following Hurricane Beryl, in Carriacou
Foto: Curlan Chrissey Campbell/REUTERS
Damaged house missing its roof after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
Foto: Curlan Chrissey Campbell/REUTERS
Damaged house missing its roof after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
Hurricane Beryl makes its way through the Caribbean
Hurricane Beryl passes Dominican Republic
Hurricane Beryl passes Dominican Republic
Foto: RALPH GONSALVES via Facebook/REU
Hurricane Beryl hits St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Foto: RALPH GONSALVES via Facebook/REU
Hurricane Beryl hits St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Foto: RALPH GONSALVES via Facebook/REU
Hurricane Beryl hits St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Foto: Ian Hughes/REUTERS
Utility crews restore power lines in a drone photograph after Hurricane Beryl passed passed Grenada
Foto: Ian Hughes/REUTERS
Buildings with damaged roofs are seen in a drone photograph after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
Foto: Jarmal Mc lennon/REUTERS
The "pirate" party boat The Pearl is stuck on rocks after Hurricane Beryl passed in Gros Islet
A satellite image shows Argyle, Carriacou, before Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
A satellite image shows Clifton harbor after Hurricane Beryl passed Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
A satellite image shows Argyle, Carriacou, after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
A satellite image shows northeastern Carriacou before Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
A satellite image shows destroyed buildings after Hurricane Beryl passed northeastern Carriacou
A satellite image shows homes before Hurricane Beryl passed Argyle, Carriacou
u 09:19
Premijer Mitchell je rekao da su mnogi ljudi na glavnom otoku Grenade izgubili svoje domove, ali da je razaranje daleko gore na Carriacou i Petite Martiniqueu. Dužnosnici još uvijek pokušavaju procijeniti razmjere štete na dva otoka, posebice na električnoj mreži i opskrbi vodom.
Pogledaj originalni članak

Uragan Beryl opustošio je u ponedjeljak dva mala karipska otoka te je svoj put nastavio prema Jamajci. Dužnosnici javljaju kako je oko 98 posto objekata na otocima Carriacou i Petite Martinique uništeno. Stradala je i bolnica te zračna luka i marina. Na otocima gdje živi oko 6000 ljudi od utorka navečer nije bilo struje, a komunikacije su bile u prekidu. Uništeni su usjevi na otocima te srušena stabla. 

– Moramo sve obnoviti iz temelja. Na otoku Carriacou doslovno više nema vegetacije – rekao je Dickon Mitchell, premijer otočne države Grenade. Beryl je u utorak dosegnuo 5. kategoriju i očekuje se da će biti dosta snažan kada stigne do Jamajke i Kajmanskih otoka. Premijer Jamajke, Andrew Holness, obratio se javnosti te je uveo policijski sat koji počinje u 6 ujutro te je izdan nalog za evakuaciju nižih područja. 

Premijer Mitchell rekao je da su mnogi ljudi na glavnom otoku Grenade izgubili svoje domove, ali da je razaranje daleko gore na Carriacou i Petite Martiniqueu. Dužnosnici još uvijek pokušavaju procijeniti razmjere štete na dva otoka, posebice na električnoj mreži i opskrbi vodom. Grenada, kao i druge karipske nacije, većinu pitke vode dobiva skupljanjem kišnice, uključujući odvode na krovovima koji vode do spremnika. Terrence Smith, čelnik državne agencije za vodu, rekao je da se ne očekuje da će šteta od oluje odmah izazvati nestašicu opasnu po život na Carriacou i Petite Martiniqueu.


– Vjerujemo da je to vrlo malo vjerojatno – rekao je Smith u utorak. – Ako je točno da je većina kuća izgubila krovove, onda više ne mogu skupljati kišnicu. Ali mnoga od tih kućanstava imaju zalihe dovoljne za nekoliko tjedana – dodao je, javlja New York Times.

Mitchell je Beryl nazvao izravnom posljedicom globalnog zatopljenja, rekavši da su Grenada i zemlje poput nje na prvoj crti klimatske krize. – Više nismo spremni prihvatiti da je u redu da stalno trpimo značajne gubitke i štete koje proizlaze iz klimatskih događaja i da se od nas očekuje da se obnavljamo iz godine u godinu dok su zemlje koje su odgovorne za stvaranje ove situacije – i pogoršanje ove situacije – besposlene – rekao je.

Foto: Ian Hughes/REUTERS
Buildings with damaged roofs are seen in a drone photograph after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
Foto: RALPH GONSALVES via Facebook/REU
Hurricane Beryl hits St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Foto: NASA/Matthew Dominick/REUTERS
View of Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean taken from the International Space Station
Foto: The Agency For Public Informatio
A view of damaged property, following Hurricane Beryl, in Union Island
Foto: The Agency For Public Informatio
A view of damaged property, following Hurricane Beryl, in Union Island
Foto: Instagram/@moises.arias06/REUTER
Hurricane Beryl passes Dominican Republic
Foto: Instagram/@moises.arias06/REUTER
Hurricane Beryl passes Dominican Republic
Foto: Dickon Mitchell via Facebook/REU
Grenada's PM Mitchell assesses damage following Hurricane Beryl, in Carriacou
Foto: Dickon Mitchell via Facebook/REU
Grenada's PM Mitchell assesses damage following Hurricane Beryl, in Carriacou
Foto: Dickon Mitchell via Facebook/REU
Grenada's PM Mitchell assesses damage following Hurricane Beryl, in Carriacou
Foto: Curlan Chrissey Campbell/REUTERS
Damaged house missing its roof after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
Foto: Curlan Chrissey Campbell/REUTERS
Damaged house missing its roof after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
Hurricane Beryl makes its way through the Caribbean
Hurricane Beryl passes Dominican Republic
Hurricane Beryl passes Dominican Republic
Foto: RALPH GONSALVES via Facebook/REU
Hurricane Beryl hits St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Foto: RALPH GONSALVES via Facebook/REU
Hurricane Beryl hits St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Foto: RALPH GONSALVES via Facebook/REU
Hurricane Beryl hits St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Foto: Ian Hughes/REUTERS
Utility crews restore power lines in a drone photograph after Hurricane Beryl passed passed Grenada
Foto: Ian Hughes/REUTERS
Buildings with damaged roofs are seen in a drone photograph after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
Foto: Jarmal Mc lennon/REUTERS
The "pirate" party boat The Pearl is stuck on rocks after Hurricane Beryl passed in Gros Islet
A satellite image shows Argyle, Carriacou, before Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
A satellite image shows Clifton harbor after Hurricane Beryl passed Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
A satellite image shows Argyle, Carriacou, after Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
A satellite image shows northeastern Carriacou before Hurricane Beryl passed Grenada
A satellite image shows destroyed buildings after Hurricane Beryl passed northeastern Carriacou
A satellite image shows homes before Hurricane Beryl passed Argyle, Carriacou

CNN piše kako je Bery do sada prouzročio sedam smrtnih slučajeva. Tri osobe poginule su u Venezueli, a četiri se još uvijek vode kao nestale. Jedna je osoba poginula u Svetom Vincentu i Grenadinima, a najmanje tri osobe poginule su u Grenadi.

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