Već danima se traži djevojčica Narin (8) nestala u Turskoj: Priveden je njezin brat, a potom i ujak

Već danima se traži djevojčica Narin (8) nestala u Turskoj: Priveden je njezin brat, a potom i ujak
u 09:56
Otkriveno je kako je ujak izbrisao sve zapise telefonskih poziva i poruka nakon Narinina nestanka
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Djevojčica Narin Güran (8) nestala je 21. kolovoza u turskoj u pokrajini Diyarbakır. Nakon što se poslijepodne nije vratila kući s tečaja Kur'ana, njezina je obitelj pokrenula potragu. U sklopu istrage koja je u tijeku, 18-godišnji brat E.G. pritvoren je nakon što su mu na ruci pronađeni tragovi ugriza. Međutim, pušten je nakon što forenzička analiza u Istanbulu nije potvrdila je li mu tragove nanijela djevojčica.

Snage sigurnosti privele su i ujaka nestale djevojčice. Naime, otkriveno je kako je u njegovom automobilu pronađen uzorak koji odgovara DNK uzorku nestale djevojčice. Ovo otkriće označilo je najkonkretniji dokaz do sada iznijet u javnost u istrazi koja već danima plijeni pozornost zemlje, piše Hürriyet Daily News

TGRT Haber navodi kako je otkriveno kako je ujak izbrisao sve zapise telefonskih poziva i poruka nakon Narinina nestanka. Utvrđeno je da je koristio posebnu aplikaciju za brisanje svih zapisa.

U potrazi za djevojčicom pretražuju se različita područja, uključujući polja. Uz to, prikupljaju se odjeća te drugi dokazi koji su poslani Institutu za sudsku medicinu u Diyarbakıru na daljnju analizu. U međuvremenu, duboki utjecaj incidenta potaknuo je mnoge obitelji da u svoje domove postave sigurnosne kamere.

Do sada su ispitani brojni vozači koji su prolazili cestom u satima kada je Narin nestala. Pretresane su kuće u susjedstvu i vozila koja su ulazila u selo. Također, uzete su izjave od oko 130 osoba.


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Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv

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