Vozio vojno vozilo u Srbiji pod utjecajem alkohola, prešao na suprotnu stranu pa se sudario s autom

Foto: Borislav Zdrinja/ATA Images/PIXSELL
Vozio vojno vozilo u Srbiji pod utjecajem alkohola, prešao na suprotnu stranu pa se sudario s autom
u 09:48
Zbog sumnje da je počinio teško djelo protiv sigurnosti javnog prometa, policija je u suradnji s Višim tužiteljstvom u Kraljevu privela vozača M.V. (1970.)
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Teška prometna nesreća dogodila se jučer iza 13 sati kod Kraljeva u Srbiji. U sudaru automobila i vozila Vojske Srbije poginuli su otac, troje djece i jedna žena, dok je majka preživjela. Majka je, prema navodima svjedoka događaja, dva sata bila zarobljena ispod oklopnog vozila. Smrtno su stradali D. L. (1991.), L. L. (2014.), L. L. (2017.), M. L. (2023.) i D. K. (1997.), dok je M.L. (1992.) zadobila teške tjelesne ozljede.

Vojska Srbije oglasila se u subotu priopćenjem u kojem je istakla: "Tijekom realizacije redovnih zadataka, došlo je do sudara borbenog vozila VS 'PASARS' s civilnim vozilom. Borbeno vozilo Vojske Srbije kretalo se u smjeru Raške i bilo je u koloni pod pratnjom vojne policije." Zbog sumnje da je počinio teško djelo protiv sigurnosti javnog prometa, policija je u suradnji s Višim tužiteljstvom u Kraljevu privela vozača M.V. (1970.) koji je upravljao vozilom Vojske Srbije, priopćilo je Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova. 

Kako doznaje Blic, vozač oklopnog vozila imao je više od 0,20 promila alkohola u krvi. Naime, pripadnicima Vojske Srbije nije dozvoljeno imati alkohola u krvi. On je navodno oklopnim vozilom prešao na suprotnu stranu ceste te je došlo do prometne nesreće.

GALERIJA Otvoren je Oktoberfest: Pivoljupce očekuju jake mjere sigurnosti, ali i više cijene

Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Felix Hörhager/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/DPA
Start of the 189th Munich Oktoberfest
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Celina Geigle/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich
Foto: Angelika Warmuth/REUTERS
Official opening of the 189th Oktoberfest, the world's largest beer festival in Munich

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Komentari 2

Avatar Aurel
11:18 22.09.2024.

sudario se zbog 0,2 promila ??? hahahahaha