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Osuđena poznata manekenka i bivša cura Leonarda DiCaprija

Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Foto: Instagram/Wanda Nara
Bar Refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Foto: Instagram
bar refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Foto: Instagram
bar refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives along with her mother, Tzipi, for a hearing in a tax evasion case against them, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
u 08:49
Refaeli je proglašena krivom za podnošenje lažnih prijava prihoda dok je živjela u inozemstvu kako bi izbjegla platiti poreze u Izraelu.
Pogledaj originalni članak

Izraelska manekenka Bar Refaeli proglašena je krivom za poreznu utaju i osuđena je na veliku novčanu kaznu te devet mjeseci rada za opće dobro, odlučio je u ponedjeljak sud u Tel Avivu. Refaeli je proglašena krivom za podnošenje lažnih prijava prihoda dok je živjela u inozemstvu kako bi izbjegla platiti poreze u Izraelu.

Dužna je platiti 2,5 milijuna šekela  (638.000 eura) novčane kazne, platiti zaostale poreze te mora raditi devet mjeseci za opće dobro, odlučio je prvostupanjski sud u Tel Avivu.

Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Foto: Instagram/Wanda Nara
Bar Refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Foto: Instagram
bar refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Foto: Instagram
bar refaeli
Foto: Instagram
Bar Refaeli
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives for a hearing in the tax evasion case against her and her mother Tzipi, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel
Israeli model Bar Refaeli wears a face mask as she arrives along with her mother, Tzipi, for a hearing in a tax evasion case against them, at a court in Tel Aviv, Israel

Izraelski građani koji žive u inozemstvu nisu obvezni prijaviti svoje prihode izvan zemlje.  No izraelske vlasti optužuju top model i njezinu majku da su prijavile fiktivno boravište u inozemstvu kako bi platile manje poreza u zemlji.

Njezina majka Tzipi Refaeli osuđena je na 16 mjeseci zatvora, na 2,5 milijuna šekela novčane kazne i plaćanje zaostalih poreza. Presudom je zaključeno višegodišnje suđenje: Bar Refaeli bila je prvi put uhićena u prosincu 2015.

Izraelska manekenka koja je svojedobno bila u vezi s glumcem Leonardom DiCaprijem, izazvala je kontroverzu kada je izbjegla odslužiti dvije godine obveznog vojnog roka tako što se udala za prijatelja svoga oca, a zatim se od njega razvela.

Udane žene i trudnice oslobođene su služenja vojnog roka u Izraelu. Bar Refaeli sada je udana za izraelskog poslovnog čovjeka Adija Ezru.

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