FOTO Šokantno nasilje u Britaniji, premijer sazvao hitnu sjednicu posebnog odbora: 'Neću se ustručavati da to nazovem pravim imenom'

Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Police wearing riot protection equipment patrol the seafront esplanade following an anti-immigration protest in Weymouth
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
u 12:52
Nemiri u Velikoj Britaniji zbog ubojstva triju djevojaka u Southamptonu početkom prošlog tjedna rasplamsali su se tijekom vikenda diljem zemlje.
Pogledaj originalni članak

U nedjelju su se u Engleskoj iznova dogodili sukobi između policije i nasilnika, koji su napali hotele u kojima borave tražitelji azila. Policija je pojačala broj uhićenja i osudila razmjere nasilja, koje je opisano kao "šokantno". Do sada je u cijeloj zemlji uhićeno više od 140 osoba, a samo u Middlesbroughu 43 osobe, javlja Sky News. U Middlesbroughu su prosvjednici palili automobile, razbijali prozore i bacali goruće kante za smeće na policajce. Velike grupe ljudi nosile su zastave i vikali "Želimo našu zemlju natrag". 

U Rotherhamu su nasilnici napali hotel u kojem borave tražitelji azila, bacajući kamenje i druge predmete na hotel i policiju. Najmanje 10 policajaca je ozlijeđeno, a osoblje hotela je bilo prestravljeno. Slični napadi su se dogodili i u Tamworthu, gdje su nasilnici također napali hotel s tražiteljima azila, koristeći molotovljeve koktele i bacajući kamenje. U nekoliko drugih gradova, uključujući Bolton i Manchester, uvedene su mjere za suzbijanje antisocijalnog ponašanja.

Premijer Keir Starmer obećao je "punu podršku" policiji u akcijama protiv "ekstremista" koji pokušavaju "sijati mržnju". Za ponedjeljak je zakazao hitan sastanak Cobre, posebnog odbora za hitne slučajeve britanske vlade, koji okuplja ministre, državne službenike, policiju i obavještajnu službu. Starmer je izgrednicima rekao da bi "požalili" što su sudjelovali u nasilnim prosvjedima. "Nacistički pozdravi na ulici, napadi na policiju, bezobzirno nasilje uz rasističku retoriku... neću se ustručavati da to nazovem pravim imenom: krajnje desničarskim razbojništvom", rekao je britanski premijer.

Do antimuslimanskih prosvjeda, da podsjetimo, došlo je nakon što su prošli ponedjeljak u gradu Southportu na sjeverozapadu Engleske nožem ubijene tri djevojčice na plesnom događanju posvećenom Taylor Swift. U bjesomučnom napadu nožem u Southportu na smrt su izbodene Alice Dasilva Aguiar (9), Bebe King (6) i Elsie Dot Stancombe (7). Osmero druge djece također je izbodeno, a petero djece i dvoje odraslih u kritičnom su stanju.


Muslimansko vijeće Britanije kaže da je islamofobična reakcija započela lažnim glasinama i dezinformacijama na internetu o povezanosti zločina s muslimanima. MCB je odao počast trima djevojčicama prije nego što je osudio "šokantne scene krajnje desničarskih pobunjenika koji divljaju ispred džamije". Policija je naknadno priopćila da je osumnjičenik za napad Axel Rudakubana (17), inače rođen u glavnom gradu Walesa, Cardiffu.

Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Police wearing riot protection equipment patrol the seafront esplanade following an anti-immigration protest in Weymouth
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK

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14:44 05.08.2024.

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