Ludi policajac

Natjerao vlasnika da ljubi stopala zaposlenicima

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Natjerao vlasnika da ljubi stopala zaposlenicima
u 10:01
Na kraju svog mahnitog pohoda vlasnika je želio natjerati na samoubojstvo, tjerajući ga da dodiruje izložene električne kablove, no policija ga je u tome spriječila
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Pomahnitali policajac (30) naoružan pištoljem ušao je u pekaru i natjerao vlasnika da skine odjeću, pije vodu s poda te jede smeće iz kontejnera. Nakon toga prisilio ga je da ljubi stopala zaposlenika.

Na kraju svog mahnitog pohoda vlasnika je želio natjerati na samoubojstvo, tjerajući ga da dodiruje izložene električne kablove, no policija ga je u tome spriječila.

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the mentally unstable cop went crazy today (30), armed with a .40 pistol,he forced one man to take the cloths off and drink dirty water from the pavement, also forced him to eat garbage from a nearby dumpster, invaded a bakery and forced the owner to kiss the feet of the employees, then made them destroy a lot of food from the warehouse, he also wanted a man to suicide by touching exposed electric cables, until he was finally arrested.
the mentally unstable cop went crazy today (30), armed with a .40 pistol,he forced one man to take the cloths off and drink dirty water from the pavement, also forced him to eat garbage from a nearby dumpster, invaded a bakery and forced the owner to kiss the feet of the employees, then made them destroy a lot of food from the warehouse, he also wanted a man to suicide by touching exposed electric cables, until he was finally arrested.
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