neobičan fenomen

Objavljena velika vremenska prognoza za zimu: Zagrijavanje poremetilo polarni vrtlog, evo što to znači

Foto: Pixsell/Severe Weather
Foto: Armin Durgut/PIXSELL
Snijeg zabijelio Sarajevo nakon izrazito toplih dana
Foto: Armin Durgut/PIXSELL
Snijeg zabijelio Sarajevo nakon izrazito toplih dana
Foto: Sanjin Strukic/PIXSELL
Ovako je izgledao Zagreb na današnji dan prije 10 godina
u 13:26
SWE ukazuje na mogućnost da bi zbog ovih poremećaja SAD mogao doživjeti hladniju zimu od uobičajene, osobito u središnjim i istočnim dijelovima zemlje. Europa bi, s druge strane, mogla doživjeti blaže temperature zbog visokih tlakova iznad kontinenta.
Pogledaj originalni članak

Stratosfersko zagrijavanje iznad Južnog pola, rijedak atmosferski fenomen, trenutno privlači pažnju stručnjaka diljem svijeta zbog svog potencijala da značajno utječe na vremenske prilike ove zime. Najnoviji podaci sugeriraju da bi ovaj događaj mogao imati dalekosežne posljedice na vremenske uvjete, ne samo u južnoj već i u sjevernoj hemisferi.

Stratosfersko zagrijavanje, koje se rijetko događa na južnoj hemisferi, trenutno uzrokuje ozbiljne promjene u polarnom vrtlogu - ogromnom ciklonu koji dominira atmosferom iznad polarnih područja. Kada je polarni vrtlog stabilan, hladni zrak ostaje zarobljen u arktičkom krugu, stvarajući blaže uvjete u ostatku svijeta. Međutim, destabilizacija vrtloga može dovesti do izbijanja hladnog zraka prema nižim geografskim širinama, uzrokujući nagle promjene vremenskih prilika.

Prema prognozama Severe Weather Europe (SWE), posljednje stratosfersko zagrijavanje započelo je sredinom srpnja, a njegovi učinci već se osjete. Visoki tlakovi iznad Antarktike potisnuli su hladni zrak prema Južnoj Americi i Atlantiku, dok je na Antarktici zabilježeno neuobičajeno toplo vrijeme. Ove anomalije već sada izazivaju promjene u vremenskim obrascima i mogle bi utjecati na zimu 2024./2025. na sjevernoj hemisferi.

SWE ukazuje na mogućnost da bi zbog ovih poremećaja SAD mogao doživjeti hladniju zimu od uobičajene, osobito u središnjim i istočnim dijelovima zemlje. Europa bi, s druge strane, mogla doživjeti blaže temperature zbog visokih tlakova iznad kontinenta.


Stručnjaci naglašavaju da iako ove prognoze nisu apsolutno sigurne, postoji jasna povezanost između događaja na južnoj hemisferi i vremenskih obrazaca na sjeveru. "Atmosfera je globalna i bez granica", objašnjavaju meteorolozi. "Stratosfersko zagrijavanje može imati utjecaj na vremenske prilike na drugom kraju svijeta."

FOTO Napadi na hotele i policajce, razbijeni prozori i zapaljeni automobili: Engleski gradovi gore, uhićene stotine

Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Police wearing riot protection equipment patrol the seafront esplanade following an anti-immigration protest in Weymouth
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Manon Cruz/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Stringer/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK
Foto: Hollie Adams/REUTERS
Anti-immigration protests continue to take place around the UK

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Komentari 3

14:27 05.08.2024.

Nevjerojatno, jedan normalan članak o klimatskim kretanjima bez naglašavanja zelene agende, CO2 emisija, čovjekovog utjecaja i sl. Stvarno nevjerojatno...

14:27 05.08.2024.

Mada pa globalno je zatopljenje

13:48 05.08.2024.

Jako sam ‘tužan’…pogotovo ako će to značiti manje račune za grijanje.