Ženi iz BiH i Srbije u istom danu odbijen ulazak u Njemačku. Zaboravile su na dva 'zlatna pravila'

Letzte Generation activists protest at German airport
Global Outage at Berlin airport BER
Global Outage at Berlin airport BER
Foto: Thilo Schmuelgen/REUTERS
Climate activists protest at Cologne-Bonn airport
u 15:12
Granična policija odbila je u četvrtak ulazak dvjema ženama u zračnu luku Memmingen. Jedna nije imala dovoljno novca sa sobom.
Pogledaj originalni članak

Na aerodromu Allgäu u Memmingerbergu dvije žene nisu mogle ući u Njemačku, kako je izvijestila policija. Prva žena, 52-godišnja državljanka Bosne i Hercegovine, nije mogla dokazati da ima dovoljno novca za boravak u zemlji, a uz to je dala proturječne izjave kada su je granični policajci ispitivali o razlogu dolaska. Zbog toga joj je ulazak u Njemačku bio odbijen.

Slična situacija dogodila se i 51-godišnjoj srpskoj državljanki koja je već prekršila dozvoljeni boravak u schengenskom prostoru od tri mjeseca za tri dana. Njoj također nije bio dopušten ulazak, a uz to je protiv nje pokrenut kazneni postupak zbog neovlaštenog ulaska, pišu njemački mediji.

Inače, zračna luka Memmingen, poznata i kao zračna luka Allgäu, najmanja je komercijalna zračna luka u Bavarskoj i treća po veličini nakon Münchena i Nürnberga. U 2023. godini zabilježila je rekordnih 2,8 milijuna putnika. Prije nego što je postala civilna zračna luka 2004. godine, služila je kao vojna baza.

Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata baza je korištena za vojne svrhe gotovo 50 godina, sve dok nije zatvorena i prenamijenjena za civilne letove. Prvi redoviti letovi tamo su započeli sredinom 2007. godine, a u rujnu 2008. i službeno je preimenovana u zračnu luku Memmingen. 


FOTO Napeto u Njemačkoj: AfD održao skup, 100 metara dalje prosvjed protiv krajnje desnice. Razdvajala ih policija

Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Protest against Germany's AfD party in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Protest against Germany's AfD party in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Protest against Germany's AfD party in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Protest against Germany's AfD party in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Protest against Germany's AfD party in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Protest against Germany's AfD party in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Wolfgang Rattay/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt
Foto: Karina Hessland/REUTERS
Election campaign rally of Germany's AfD party ahead of Thuringia state elections, in Erfurt

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Komentari 2

18:13 04.09.2024.

Zakon je Zakon, ali kako taj isti ne vrijedi za ove ilegalne migrante ?????

17:38 04.09.2024.

Srbi se ponašaju kao dasu ravnopravni članovi EU ,isto tako i Bosnia