Konkurencija među teretanama

Novi koncept vježbanja – od 0 do 24 sata

Foto: Davor Puklavec/PIXSELL, Josip Regović/PIXSELL
15.02.2012., Zagreb - Reportaza iz World class centra u Hypo centru. World Class centri u Hrvatskoj svojim clanovima omogucuju pristup teretani, aerobik dvorani, prostoriji za dvoranski biciklizam te prostorijama za relaksaciju i spa. Teretana Photo: Davo
Foto: Gym4You
u 12:00
Postojeći vlasnici teretana zbog dolaska konkurencije nisu zabrinuti
Pogledaj originalni članak

Zagrepčani od jučer u teretani mogu vježbati od 0 do 24. Naime, u Centru Bundek vrata je otvorila teretana Gym4You koja radi po europskom konceptu vježbanja. – Članovi pristup dvoranama imaju svih sedam dana u tjednu, a s članstvom im se nudi mogućnost vježbanja u bilo kojoj našoj dvorani po istoj cijeni. Lokacija i manjak vremena nisu više prepreka vježbanju – objašnjava Michael Dovic, vlasnik lanca teretana Gym4You u kojima je članarina od 169 do 300 kuna.

Na šesto četvornih metara metara članovi će moći vježbati na standardnim spravama poput onih za trčanje, ali i na multidisciplinarnoj spravi OMNI, a dva puta tjedno, utorkom i četvrtkom od 18 da 19 sati, bit će im dostupni i osobni treneri. Kako recepcija radi od 7 do 23 sata, ali ne i noću, članovi će u teretanu ulaziti skeniranjem otiska prsta i članske iskaznice. U Zagrebu je ovo prva, sredinom veljače planira se otvaranje još jedne teretane u Strojarskoj ulici, a do kraja godine najavljeno je otvorenje fitness klubova po cijelom Zagrebu.

Ipak, vlasnici već postojećih teretana nisu zabrinuti zbog dolaska novog koncepta vježbanja i to većinom zato što smatraju da ne postoji interes za vježbanje u sitnim satima.

– Riječ je o drukčijem konceptu rada, u novoj je teretani više riječ o samoposluživanju, a kod nas je naglasak na radu sa stručnjacima koji su na raspolaganju svim članovima – poručili su iz MoFit fitness centra na Trešnjevci, u kojem se članarina plaća od 149 do 390 kuna. Ni cijenom se ostale teretane ne razlikuju od novootvorene, bez obzira na lokaciju. Tako teretana u centru grada, Fitness forma, članarinu naplaćuje od 200 do 280 kuna. U teretani My Gym u Dubravi cijene se pak kreću od 200 do 250 kuna, a slično je i u Novom Zagrebu gdje se cijene u XXL-u na Velesajmu kreću od 150 do 280 kuna.

>>Vježbanje uz trenere za sve umirovljenike

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Komentari 3

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14:01 30.01.2015.

Why evening is the best time to exercise..... by PAUL KENDALL, Daily Mail.... Everyone knows how important it is to fit some exercise into a busy working week. But now it appears that the time you choose for a strenuous workout is crucial in determining its effectiveness. Scientists say that those who go to the gym - or for a jog - after work are likely to attain a higher level of fitness than those who exercise first thing in the morning. They found that the body's metabolism seems to adapt better to a keep-fit routine in the evening or night-time. In a study at the Clinical Research Centre of the University of Chicago, 40 healthy men aged between 20 and 30 were divided into five groups. Four teams exercised vigorously for an hour on a step machine in the morning, afternoon, evening or night, while the fifth did not exercise at all. Blood samples taken from all the volunteers showed that levels of two endocrine hormones - cortisol and thyrotropin - increased far more in those who exercised either in the evening or late at night. Scientists also found that glucose levels decreased far more in the same subjects. Lead researcher Dr Orfeu Buxton said: 'These are signs that your metabolism is adapting well to regular exercise and suggests it may be better to train after work rather than first thing in the morning.' The results could explain why athletes were able to perform better at certain times of the day. Dr Buxton, who will present his study at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in Denver, Colorado, tomorrow, went on: 'This is the first study to look at the variation in the effects of exercise at four different times of day. 'We didn't expect to see such large differences. The variations in the hormone levels are quite large.' John Trower, a technical director at UK Athletics, who trains javelin star Steve Backley, said top athletes normally did the technical work in the morning and the 'hard graft' between 4pm and 6pm. But in his experience, not everyone was suited to exercising in the evening. 'Some are morning people and others might have more energy in the evening. It's a personal choice.' Researchers in Holland found that punishing workouts combined with a strict diet did no more to control weight than simply cutting down on calories. The key to staying fit was to eat less and take more moderate exercise.

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14:00 30.01.2015.

ahahaa kakvo crno vjezbanje 24 sata. vjezbati se treba samo od 18 do 20, pogotovo za bildere , poslije je sve beskorisno, crkavaju I misle da nesto postizu a samo se umore, organizam ne reagira na vjezbe. malo se obrazujte prvo..idite pa googlajte, ..."What's the Best Time to Exercise"