olafur eliasson za dan planeta

Fascinantne interaktivne slike koje će vas natjerati da razmislite o budućnosti Zemlje

Foto: Instagram
u 14:18

Umjetnik Olafur Eliasson na Dan planeta Zemlje predstavio je novu seriju radova na svom Instagramu.

Umjetnik Olafur Eliasson za Dan planeta Zemlje predstavio je novu seriju radova "Perspektive Zemlje". Sastoji se od devet animacija s devet različitih perspektiva našeg planeta koje će Eliasson na svom Instagramu objavljivati svakih sat vremena. Svaka prikazuje jedan dio Zemlje u žarko narančastoj i ružičastoj boji s crnom točkom u središtu - gledamo li deset sekundi u crnu točku, a zatim pogled usmjerimo na neutralnu površinu, pred očima pojavit će nam se vizija Zemlje. 

Eliasson svojim radom želi potaknuti ljude da naprave korak unatrag i sagledaju Zemlju izvana iz nove perspektive, svježim pogledom. 

- Slika koju vidimo kad odvratimo pogled služi kao katalizator za dublje razgovore. Možda nije planet taj koji je ugrožen, možda smo ugroženi mi, čovječanstvo. Planet će biti u redu - dajte mu par tisuća godina nakon što ljudi s***u sve i Zemlja će procvjetati - rekao je Eliasson. 


1/9: Today we’re launching ‘Earth perspectives’, a new artwork conceived by Olafur for Earth Day 2020. It’s comprised of nine animations featuring nine different views over the Earth that we’ll post throughout the day. We’re sharing this work as part of the Serpentine Galleries’ ‘Back to Earth’ initiative, a new, multi-year project that invites artists, scientists, architects, musicians, and more to make work that responds to the climate emergency. Olafur originally conceived one Earth perspectives map for Real Review, spring issue 2020, a magazine edited by Jack Self. At the centre of the Earth view above is the Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Queensland, Australia. This is the world’s biggest single structure made entirely by living organisms and is the most extensive reef system on the planet. It is also the most biologically diverse ecosystem in the world, home to vulnerable and endangered species, many of which can be found nowhere else. The reef has long been culturally and spiritually significant to Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples, so it marks an important intersection between fragile cultural and biological heritages. This ‘Great Barrier’ not only is a physical threshold in the ocean – it also represents an ecological threshold that humans are pushing the limits of. Currently facing its third mass bleaching event in five years, the Great Barrier Reef may already be at a tipping point, and projections warn that global warming could destroy the whole reef by 2050. To curb the prognosis of catastrophic collapse, the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program (RRAP) has been weighing proposals for methods to reduce local water temperatures by blocking sunlight, for example, with human-made fog, with ‘cloud brightening’, and by covering the ocean surface with a molecule-thick layer of calcium carbonate. While these measures could buy us valuable time, the experts emphasise that none of these technologies are substitutes for the only truly effective solution: ambitious legislation for global emissions reduction. @serpentineuk #earthperspectives #earthday2020 #backtoearth

Objavu dijeli Studio Olafur Eliasson (@studioolafureliasson)

Komentara 3

Avatar KimberlyKU97
11:04 26.04.2020.


Avatar RuthPU74
09:49 26.04.2020.


Avatar DorothyAO91
23:29 25.04.2020.


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