Kada je dosadno...

Fotografije posloženih ormara i smočnica inspirirat će vas da napravite isto tijekom izolacije

Blue Pencil Home
u 07:00

Protiv dosade možete čišćenjem - fotografije super posloženih ormara inspirirat će vas da odmah pospremite svoj.

U borbi protiv dosade tijekom samoizolacije neki se bore čišćenjem i pospremanjem kuće i to do detalja. Na društvenim mrežama osvanule su fotografije ostava, smočnica i ormara koje su ljudi posložili baš kao za fotografiju - savršeno. Insider.com objavio je te fotografije koje će vas možda inspirirati da napravite isto ovih dana.

Brooke Levy i Katie Savage na stranici Blue Pencil Home objavile su fotografiju ormara u kojem su odvojile košulje od majci, suknje od hlača. 

Foto: Blue Pencil Home

Caitlin Sirianni iskoristila je prazne posude da organizira grickalice i slatkiše na police, a odvojila ih je prema vrsti hrane. Posudice su plastične kako bi se bolje vidjele namirnice i kako bi se lakše do njih dolazilo.

Ideje za organizaciju ormara pogledajte u videu:

Autorica bloga 'The Delicious Life' Sarah Gimhrani pokazala je svoju besprijekorno organiziranu smočnicu punu šarenih konzervi, vrećica, sastojaka i začina.


one time i was dating this guy who thought it was really weird that i had so much canned fish in my pantry well guess what it’s kind of weird that you have so much porn in your laptop’s browser history KEVIN but you don’t see me making a big deal out of it . wow that caption definitely did not come out the way i was expecting. . anyway. how’s your pantry and freezer looking these days? i spent the last few days taking inventory, throwing away (shamefully) long expired foods, strategizing recipes, and writing up a list of items that need re-stocking. feeding from the pantry is something i KNOW how and LIKE to do (i could eat canned fish in some format EVERY DAY), but because i live in southern California, i’ve almost never HAD to, and certainly not for extended periods of time. strolling the farmers market for fresh fruits and vegetables and picking up fish and meat from the grocery store every other day is engrained in the lifestyle. but now is a good a time as any to prep your kitchen for a situation in which you have to limit those outings, either to protect yourself from exposure, or if you DO get sick, you have to recover at home. at the end of december, i came down with the worst cold/flu OF MY LIFE, high fever, hacking cough, pounding headache (i swear the coronavirus was here as early as late December we just didn’t know because we weren’t testing for it but that’s a post for another day and wtf do i know about epidemiology and public health i’m just a food blogger) and the thing i appreciated THE MOST was having frozen bone broth that i could just heat up with a little ginger, add salt, and sip. . and ok, having access to entertainment on my laptop helped, too. . . .

A post shared by Sarah • good food bad attitude (@thedelicious) on

Jessica Micallef koristila je oznake na kojima je napisala što se nalazi u košari u kupaonici.

Foto: Jessica Micallef

Melissa Groff odvojila je pelene od odjeće i ladici dala novu funkciju. Odjeća je također posložena po boji, pa izgleda još urednije. 

Foto: Melissa Groff

Lucie Fink narezala je hrpu voća i povrća kako bi si što više olakšala pripremu brzih obroka.


SWIPE FOR THE BEFORE SHOT 👉🏼 FULL FRIDGE REORGANIZATION!!! 📸 In my latest YouTube video (LIVE TODAY - link in bio!) we fully reorganized our fridge with help from the experts over at @horderly 🌶🍊🌽🥒🍇 It’s been a major goal of mine to cook more food at home, but without a fully stocked and organized fridge, it’s been difficult to achieve that goal. I was inspired to turn my fridge into #fridgegoals not only for the aesthetic joy it brings me (🤤) but mainly because I wanted my kitchen to be more sustainable and conducive to cooking. I used tons of glassware, fabric & silicone bags from @packagefreeshop and pre-chopped a lot of my vegetables to make cooking quick meals at home a breeze! 🌟Head to the video link in my bio for some seriously satisfying organization footage to INSPIRE YOU for this upcoming weekend! 🙏🏼✨

A post shared by LUCIE FINK MORRIS (@luciebfink) on

Najbolji je ipak jedan bloger koji je vrećice čipsa i razne namirnice stavio na vješalice u ormar kako bi mu sve bilo lakše dostupno.

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