Napadač pritvoren

Pucnjava u bolnici u Ohiu, jedna osoba ozlijeđena

Foto: Youtube Screenshot
u 20:09

Bolnica je stavljena pod blokadu, a na mjesto događaja ubrzo su stigle brojne policijske ekipe

U bolnici u gradu Daytonu u američkoj saveznoj državi Ohio danas je došlo do pucnjave tijekom koje je jedna osoba zadobila lakše tjelesne ozljede, javlja Fox News. Prema pisanju američkih medija napadač kojeg je sestra dovela u bolnicu Good Samaritan Hospital iz zasad je nepoznatih razloga u jednom trenutku počeo pucati.

Bolnica je stavljena pod blokadu, a na mjesto događaja ubrzo su stigle brojne policijske ekipe.

Nedugo nakon pucnjave napadač je pritvoren te se trenutno nalazi u okružnom zatvoru.

>> Uhvatili 17-godišnjaka koji je planirao ubiti obitelj i bombardirati školu

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Komentara 4

Avatar Josip Kir
Josip Kir
22:50 05.05.2014.

da nisu to Rusi prebaci loptu na američki teren?

21:07 05.05.2014.

Pucnjava u "Ohiu" ? Nikako da lokaciju nadjem na karti, zvuci kao jedan od havajskih otoka...:):)

Avatar reference
21:14 05.05.2014.

to je kod njih normalno, ko popiti pivu. evo od prije neki dan.....Three drunk cops shot at people this week in NYC In a troubling series of events, the last week of April saw drunken New York City police officersfficers shoot at people on three separate occasions. The current trend began on Thursday, April 24, when two NYPD detectives who were supposed to be out investigating a robbery decided to take a detour at a local bar. The New York Daily News reported that each officer drank 11 beers before 57-year-old Jay Poggi – who’d reportedly also had a couple of shots – ended up shooting his partner Matthew Sullivan in the wrist. Poggi ended up driving Sullivan to the hospital, where he ultimately underwent two surgeries. The circumstances surrounding the shooting are unclear – Poggi claimed his gun was set off by accident when he was showing it off to Sullivan, but investigators told the Daily News they "believe the shooting happened outside the car — possibly with the detectives firing the gun in the air." Poggi was charged with driving while intoxicated. This past Tuesday, meanwhile, an off-duty police officer baffled investigators when he reportedly discharged his gun 13 times in the direction of a car that was stopped next to him at a traffic light. At this point, 27-year-old officer Brendan Cronin was heading home after a trip to the bar when he began firing at the car, hitting the man in the other car six times – in his arm, hand, and torso – before driving off.

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