Velika Britanija će suspendirati 30 dozvola za izvoz oružja u Izrael

Foto: Mina Kim/REUTERS
Britain's Foreign Secretary Lammy attends cabinet meeting in London
Southport incident
u 19:00
David Lammy je dodao da najavljena suspenzija ne znači potpunu zabranu izvoza ili embargo na oružje
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Velika Britanija će odmah suspendirati 30 od 350 dozvola za izvoz oružja u Izrael zbog opasnosti da bi se takva oprema mogla koristiti za ozbiljna kršenja međunarodnog humanitarnog prava, rekao je ministar vanjskih poslova David Lammy u ponedjeljak, pojasnivši da nije riječ o embargu.

Nedugo nakon pobjede Laburističke stranke na parlamentarnim izborima u srpnju, Lammy je kazao da će revidirati prodaju oružja britanskom savezniku Izraelu kako bi se osiguralo da se to odvija u skladu s međunarodnim pravom.

"Sa žaljenjem danas obavještavam donji dom parlamenta da zbog procjene koju sam primio ne mogu zaključiti ništa drugo nego da za određeni (dio) izvoza britanskog oružja u Izrael zaista postoji stvaran rizik da bi ga se moglo koristiti za počinjenje ili omogućavanje ozbiljnih kršenja međunarodnog humanitarnog prava", poručio je Lammy.


Lammy je dodao da najavljena suspenzija ne znači potpunu zabranu izvoza ili embargo na oružje. Lammy je rekao i da Britanija još uvijek podržava pravo Izraela na samoobranu u skladu s međunarodnim pravom.


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Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv

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