U 78. godini

Preminula zvijezda kultne serije "Twin Peaks"

Foto: YouTube screnshot
u 22:30

Michael Parks preminuo je u utorak, a uzrok smrti još uvijek nije poznat

Američki glumac Michael Parks preminuo je jučer u 78. godini, potvrdio je medijima Kevin Smith i dodao kako uzrok smrti nije poznat.

Parksa ćemo pamtiti po ulogama u filmu "Kill Bill" i seriji "Twin Peaks". Redatelj Quentin Tarantino volio je njegov glumački stil pa mu je dao i manju ulogu u filmu "Odbjegli Django".

Osim s Tarantinom imao je i dobru suradnju s Robertom Rodriguezom i Kevinom Smithom.




I hate to report that my cinematic muse #michaelparks has passed away. Michael was, and will likely forever remain, the best actor I've ever known. I wrote both #RedState and @tuskthemovie FOR Parks, I loved his acting so much. He was, hands-down, the most incredible thespian I ever had the pleasure to watch perform. And Parks brought out the absolute best in me every time he got near my set. From the moment I saw him steal the opening scene of #fromdusktildawn at an advance screening at the Sunset 5 back in the mid-90's, I said to @samosier "Could you imagine what it must be like to work with a Yoda of acting like that guy? I gotta write for him one day." It took me 15 years but my dream came true on Red State (for which Parks won Best Actor at the @sitgesfestival) and then again years later with #tusk. Only Michael Parks could have delivered the line "Is man indeed a walrus at heart?" and make it scary as fuck. My favorite memory of Michael is watching him and #johnnydepp act with and at each other, like a couple of dueling wizards, in their shared scene in Tusk. Parks was in Heaven that day, sharing the screen with another brilliant actor and creating an unforgettable performance. He elevated any flick or TV show he was in and elevated every director he ever acted for. I was so fucking blessed to have worked with this bonafide genius. But really, I was just lucky to have known him at all. My heart goes out to James (Michael's son), Oriana (Michael's wife), Quentin Tarantino (Michael's biggest fan) and any movie or music lover who was ever dazzled by the talents of Michael Parks. Farewell, old friend. I'll see you farther along... #KevinSmith #actor #genius #rip #walrusyes

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Komentara 1

Avatar Ironman0105
02:47 11.05.2017.

Ne razumijem po cemu je serija koja je trajala samo jednu i pol sezonu pa bila naprasno prekonoci prekinuta zbog nikakvog interesa gledaoca kultna? Osim ako netko ne pokusava pokrenuti kult neuspjeha.

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