Bunt i opći štrajk u Izraelu protiv Netanyahua

People attend a demonstration calling for the immediate return of hostages held in Gaza, in Jerusalem
People attend a demonstration calling for the immediate return of hostages held in Gaza, in Jerusalem
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
People gather to protest against the government and to show support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
u 19:35
Izraelci traže od svog premijera da s Hamasom sklopi dogovor o prekidu vatre i oslobodi sve preostale zatočene taoce, umjesto da stalno pogoduje ratobornoj desnici
Pogledaj originalni članak

Izraelska politička situacija žestoko je eskalirala u nedjelju i ponedjeljak. Prosvjedi koji su u nedjelju započeli aktivisti koji traže od premijera Benjamina Netanyahua da sklopi sporazum o prekidu vatre s Hamasom prerasli su jučer u opći štrajk. Ujutro su tako škole i fakulteti bili zatvoreni, mnogi vlasnici nisu otvorili svoje tvrtke, a zrakoplovne kompanije prizemljile su letove. Zbog štrajka liječnika i medicinskog osoblja mnoge su bolnice primale samo hitne pacijente. Banke se nisu otvorile. Prosvjednici u Tel Avivu zatvorili su ceste.

Umiješao se i sud

Kasnije tijekom dana Nacionalni sud za rad naredio je organizatorima štrajka da obustave svoje radne akcije do 14.30 po lokalnom vremenu (13.30 po srednjoeuropskom), što je tri i pol sata prije nego što je štrajk trebao završiti. Sindikati su rekli da će poštivati sudsku odluku, tvrdeći pritom da je štrajk sam po sebi bio uspješan.

Bijesne reakcije Izraelaca potaknuo je pronalazak tijela šestero izraelskih talaca koje su ubili islamisti u Pojasu Gaze. Izraelska je vojska pronašla njihova tijela u subotu, što je potaknulo velike prosvjede u nedjelju, a zatim i jučerašnji opći štrajk. Neke od obitelji ubijenih talaca krive Netanyahuovu vladu i njezino odbijanje da s Hamasom postigne bilo kakav dogovor koji bi vodio oslobađanju talaca. Izraelske vlasti, umjesto toga, inzistiraju na vojnom odgovoru i nužnosti pobjede nad Hamasom.


– Treba nam da se taoci vrate kući nakon dogovora (vlade i Hamasa, op.a.), a ne treba nam da ih vojska ide tražiti – rekla je Aviva Siegel, oslobođena taokinja, čiji je suprug i dalje u zatočeništvu Hamasa.

U nedjelju navečer prosvjednici su se okupili u dosad najvećem broju od početka rata Izraela i Hamasa u listopadu prošle godine. Također, jučerašnja radna akcija prvi je put od početka rata uključivala opći štrajk prosvjednika koji traže prekid vatre. Organizatori procjenjuju da se diljem zemlje na ulicama okupilo pola milijuna prosvjednika, a da ih je samo u Tel Avivu bilo 200 tisuća, dok neki mediji govore i o većim brojkama. Prosvjednici žele da Netanyahu pristane na sporazum o prekidu vatre koji se pokušava dogovoriti u Kairu. Američke vlasti, koje uz pomoć Egipta i Katara pokušavaju pritisnuti obje strane da pristanu na prekid vatre, rekle su da se radi o sporazumu “uzmi ili ostavi”. Izraelska vlada i Hamas međusobno se okrivljuju za dosadašnje propale pregovore.

Pritom Izraelci koji traže trenutni prekid vatre smatraju da je vlada potpala pod utjecaj krajnje desnih ministara i stranaka koje, umjesto oslobađanja talaca, prioritet stavljaju na potpuno uništenje Hamasa, što pak mnogi misle da nije moguće. No, za to vrijeme dok Izrael pokušava uništiti militantnu skupinu koja upravlja Pojasom Gaze, u zatočeništvu je još ostalo stotinjak talaca. U međuvremenu su mediji poput Washington Posta zaključili da je jučerašnji štrajk uglavnom održan prema politički motivima – područja koja uglavnom glasaju za liberale i ljevicu odbila su jučer raditi, a ona koja su na strani desnice uglavnom nisu štrajkala. Vlada se žalila Nacionalnom sudu za rad, tvrdeći da su prosvjedi politizirani, a sud je tijekom dana ustvrdio da se zaposleni moraju vratiti na radna mjesta ranije nego što su planirali.

’Sindikat je za Hamas’

Koliko su radikalne političke izjave postale normalne u Izraelu svjedoči i to što je ministar financija Bezalel Smotrich, poznat po krajnje desnim stavovima, optužio šefa sindikata Arnona Bar-Davida da radi za izraelske neprijatelje.

– Arnon, u praksi, ostvaruje snove (vođe Hamasa Yahyje, op.a.) Sinwara. Umjesto da zastupa izraelske radnike, on zastupa interese Hamasa – rekao je ministar financija.


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Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv
Foto: Florion Goga/REUTERS
Protest against the government and in support for the hostages who were kidnapped during the deadly October 7 attack, in Tel Aviv

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