
Poznata pjevačica shrvana je zbog gubitka voljene osobe

Lady Gaga
Foto: Reuters
u 13:37

Sonja Durham jedna od najboljih prijateljica Lady Gage preminula je. Nakon duge i teške borbe izgubila je bitku s rakom

Pjevačica Lady Gaga shrvana je zbog smrti svoje dugogodišnje i najbolje prijateljice Sonje Durham koja je prije par dana izgubila borbu s rakom. 

Sonja je bila dio tima Gaginih menadžera i veže ih dugogodišnje prijateljstvo i zato je pjevačica učinila sve da Sonja ima najbolju liječničku skrb. - U šoku sam jer ću te sljedeći put vidjeti tek kad ja umrem. Zavjetujem se da ću svaki dan zbog tebe biti bolja i snažnija osoba. Bit ću jača zbog svakoga tko ima rak - napisala je Lady Gaga u emotivnoj poruci. 

Gaga je na posljednjem albumu jednu od pjesama posvetila upravo Sonji. 




I don't know how to put a price on a friendship. I'm not even sure how you can assess the size of its meaning, only really your heart truly knows and it's too special for words. I feel two competing feelings. Firstly, that I will live everyday with more passion, more determination, more compassion and more giving than ever before. Because that's who she was, and it's what drew us to each other, and I know it's what she always wanted for me. She had this incredible way of releasing me from the anchor of my own sadness that held me back, she loved me fearlessly while I learned how to cope with fame and stay inspired no matter how scared I was. She knew all I cared about was the music. She made that ok. The other feeling I have is that of being robbed of the last 10 years of my life, friendship and career with her. Like someone took her from us, and with that taking took all the good times. I know that's not true, and I know that I have those memories forever, I'm just in shock that I will never have new ones with her. I'm in shock that I won't see her again until I pass too. I vow to be a little stronger everyday for her because that's what she would have wanted, I vow to be stronger for anyone who's lost somebody to cancer. I'm a part of that family now. I vow to be a warrior for her and be a voice for cancer patients so the world can continue to improve the dialogue and the fight. I loved her. I still love her. And I love so much her husband Andre, stepson Sante, and friends. I made them some food yesterday. I will keep cooking. Cooking my soul until it understands this. Last thing I told her, "Go find Joanne, Sonj." Somehow I think she did. @sonjad7777 #sonjadurham #grigiogirls

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