Poznati glumac šokirao fotografijom nakon što mu je supruga rodila

James Van den Beek
Foto: Press Association/PIXSELL
u 10:28

Kimberly, supruga zvijezde nekad popularne tinejdžerske serije "Dawson's Creek", rodila je u njihovu domu, a James je objavio fotografiju bebe nedugo nakon rođenja. Mnoge je fanove iznenadilo što je glumac na slici uz bebu pokazao i posteljicu u zdjeli.

Glumac James Van Der Beek (41) ovog je vikenda postao otac peti put, a fotografijom nakon rođenja kćerkice Gwendolyn šokirao je pratitelje na Instagramu. Kimberly, supruga zvijezde nekad popularne tinejdžerske serije "Dawson's Creek", rodila je u njihovu domu, a James je objavio fotografiju bebe nedugo nakon rođenja. Mnoge je fanove iznenadilo što je glumac na slici uz bebu pokazao i posteljicu u zdjeli.

– Uz fotografiju je napisao: stvarnost porođaja u kući: neuredan krevet, plastična navlaka za krevet, stari ručnik na podu, vrećica za povraćanje (neiskorištena), bazen za porođaje (nekorišten), tata bez majice, dijete u Spiderman odijelu, sretna i zdrava beba, sretna i zdrava mama koja je na tuširanju nakon porođaja, bočica za vodu i posteljica u zdjeli. Upozorio sam vas – napisao je sretni tata.

Kimberly i James u braku su od 2010 i imaju petero djece – Oliviju (7), Joshuu (6), Annabel Leah (4), Emiliju (2) i upravo rođenu Gwndolyn.

I Kimberly je na Instagramu podijelila nekoliko fotografija s bebom te napisala kako "nakon poroda jede mnogo voća".


Thrilled to announce we welcomed a brand new baby girl into the world Friday morning, just in time for #FathersDay 😍 These last few days, as I’ve enjoyed the privilege of making smoothies I know my older kids will like, making my wife red raspberry leaf tea to ease her uterine contractions, spending “boy time” with my son and getting my two year-old down for a nap in the way only I know how... I’ve been heart sick about something. As I write this, kids are being ripped from the arms of their parents. By our government. For the kid’s benefit? No - the opposite - as a purposeful display of cruelty to deter would-be illegal border crossers AND legal asylum seekers (it’s happening to both). And it wouldn’t be honest to wax poetic about my new-baby bliss without speaking up against this atrocity. If we allow our government to de-humanize fathers, and mothers, and children in the name of defending our borders... we’ve lost a huge part what makes those borders worth defending. And even if you don’t believe in karma, or in extending basic human decency to people who didn’t win the geographic birth lottery... even if you’re hard-liner enough to say, “Break the law, suffer the consequences,” shouldn’t the punishment at least fit the crime? And if you’re still cold enough to say, “Well, it’s effective,” consider this: This heinous practice was put into place by our own attorney general (who justified it with a cherry-picked Bible verse), and our president blamed rivals before tweeting his list of legislative demands to be met before he stops it. Regardless of how you feel about immigration, or a wall, or this president... if we say we’re okay with our government using human rights violations as a deterrent or as a bargaining chip... what happens when we find ourselves on the wrong side of the agenda? Either in this administration or the next? This should not be a political issue - it’s a human one. A crime against humanity is a crime against us all. More info in link in my bio. Oh, and @vanderkimberly - you’re a f*cking earth goddess rock star and I’m as in awe of you as I am in love with you. And our new baby’s name is Gwendolyn ❤️ #HappyFathersDay everybody.

A post shared by James Van Der Beek (@vanderjames) on

– Svako dijete probudi drukčiju energiju u tebi, a ova je beba donijela istinu u našu obitelj čim smo doznali da je na putu – napisao je Van Der Beek.

James Van den Beek

Komentara 1

12:37 21.06.2018.


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