Uspostavljanje mira na Bliskom istoku između Palestinaca i Židova svakako je jedan od prioriteta američkog predsjednika Baracka Obame. Na tom su poslu radili njegovi najbolji ljudi u proteklih godinu dana. Prošlog je vikenda u Jeruzalem doputovao američki potpredsjednik Joe Biden kako bi konačno pokrenuo mirovni proces. Ali prije nego što je stigao u Sveti Grad, doživio je hladan tuš.
Odgođen posjet
Naime, izraelske su vlasti objavile da dopuštaju gradnju 1600 stanova u istočnom (palestinskom) Jeruzalemu. Osim što je to bila diplomatska pljuska američkom potpredsjedniku, najava gradnje stanova ponovno je uzburkala političke i vjerske strasti. Nekoliko tisuća Palestinaca prosvjedovalo je zbog spornih stanova te zbog otvaranja jedne drevne sinagoge. Reagirala je i izraelska policija pa su neki prosvjednici završili u bolnici. Posebni američki izaslanik George Mitchell jučer je odgodio posjet Izraelu u znak prosvjeda. Iako nije izravno komentirao najnovije događaje, američki predsjednik Barack Obama, tvrde neki mediji, ponašanje izraelske vlade doživio je i kao osobnu uvredu. Izraelski premijer Benjamin Netanyahu, usprkos snažnom pritisku Washingtona, ponovno je stao u obranu odluke da se nastavi gradnja naselja za židovske doseljenike. Kako je to ocijenio jedan visoki izraelski diplomat, taj je spor izazvao najveću krizu između dvije zemlje u posljednjih 35 godina. Neki već govore i o kraju strateškog saveza između Izraela i SAD-a, što su obje zemlje opovrgnule.
Jačanje ekstremizma
Najnovije odluke Izraela Palestinci doživljavaju kao provokaciju. Tvrde da izraelska vlada neodgovornim odlukama vodi cijelu regiju u nasilje i vjerski fanatizam. Palestinci odbijaju bilo kakve pregovore sve dok Izrael ne zamrzne gradnju naselja. Komentatori upozoravaju da bi propast mirovnih pregovora mogao raspiriti ekstremistički islam, čega je SAD i te kako svjestan.
meni sve to od pochetka izgleda preglupo da bi bilo istinito,po meni taj je \"sukob\"insceniran da bi svi gledali u Jerusalem a ne gdje je vazhno...\"The United States sent bombs in the direction of an Iran\" newspaper \"Scotland Harald\" reporteded that the United States has transferred 385 bombs and bunkers such \"excise\" an island Diego Garcia, village as 4,600 kilometers covered south of Iran. Experts: \"The Americans are preparing to destroy 10,000 targets within hours\" Ynet Source: 03.17.10, 05:28 join the United States has transferred hundreds of mortar shells and \"bunkers\" from an island British Diego Garcia שבאוקיינס Indian lineup at tacked during the course, is possible in Iran - This was reported last night (] day in the daily newspaper \"Scotland Harald\" in Britain. The island is located at a distance of about 4,600 kilometers to the southern part of the republic covered Islamic. Scottish newspaper revealed that the US administration was signed in January at an agreement framework of which will be transferred 10 containers age an island. burden of the declaration of the Israeli navy of the United States noted that the delivery including 385 bombs such \"excise\" used \'s facilities sub-ground. private delivery have been published new Tenders of American army. Experts argued before the daily newspaper that at Ammunition Hill an בדייגו Garcia in the direction of an impossible of \'s nuclear facilities at odds with the Iran. The island is part of British מטריטוריה Pacific Indian but serves as often as a basis for the United States military agreement, as a part that has been signed between the two countries on-1971. 2,000 local residents were forced to be evacuated following the signing. מפרטי agreement shows that the company shipments American named \"superior services naval\", that is based Florida, will be some-700 thousand dollars in order to transfer of thousands of items with military מקונקורד שבקליפורניה לדייגו Garcia. cargo including 195 smart bombs ומנוחות such \"bellow-110\" and others from such massive bombs bellow-117 up some-900 kilograms. \"They are preparing to destroy the Iran\", said director of the Center for studies at the university ודיפלומטיה strategic London, Dan invaded. \"מפצצים Americans already are willing to destroy 10,000 the aims of the Iran within a few hours\". He claimed, preparations is done by the army, but American president אובמה has not yet received at the final decision on the issue. \"It is possible that he would decide very preferable that the United States will act before Israel decides to lift up the down\". Ian Davis, director of a group of an independent thinking \"נאטו watch\", believe that the delivery לדייגו Garcia should avert Great Britain grave concern: \"We must petition in the United States to clarify the intentions regarding those weapons, and the foreign ministry has to make it clear British at titude toward the regarding the use of בדייגו Garcia as a basis for \'s Iran\". British Defense Ministry announced that in the past that the United States will have to obtain a permit to make use of builder in order to an offensive. Diego Garcia served to Iraq during the Gulf War on 1991-and-2003. At the time posts about fifty soldiers and members crew guards and more from-3,200 soldiers Americans. For refused to respond to report.