Fascinacija boljim polovicama nema kraja, a cure su sve podijelile na društvenoj mreži. Djevojka nadimka Bri tako je objavila video kako se njezin dečko sprijateljio s ljudima na aerodromu, dok je druga djevojka podijelila urnebesnu fotografiju dečka koji isprobava njezine naručene stvari.
Dečko sjedi ispred nje i šalje joj poruke
My boyfriend really just sneezed sitting 5 feet away and texted me this 🙄 pic.twitter.com/68eWnqeBwZ
— یاس (@YassNazaran) April 15, 2019
On se sprijatelji sa svima bez problema
My boyfriend literally has no problem making friends with anybody... pic.twitter.com/iaz2JqoNxn
— bri (@bricheeseyy) August 11, 2019
Zamolila je dečka da joj pokaže kako izgledaju stvari koje je naručila na internetu, ali nije očekivala ovo
I told my boyfriend to show me pictures of my outfits that I ordered and I for sure was not expecting this... pic.twitter.com/98gKpOKzvc
— Gigi🍒 (@gisexllee) July 31, 2019
Poslala mu je video sebe u slatkoj odjeći, a on se poigrao efektima
I sent my bf a video of me in my cute outfit and he does this 🤣 this is why you shouldn’t date video editors pic.twitter.com/xL2Wvg9r2c
— tharaah (@not_tharaah) August 4, 2019
Isprobavanje šminke izgleda ovako
I sent my bf to pick up some concealer for me and I told him to show it to me on his hand so I could see the color. This is what he sent me lol pic.twitter.com/QYQ54oEsQd
— i am rich (@badgalariiii) January 27, 2019
Bio je pijan i pitao ju je tko je najzgodniji muškarac na poslu. Nakon što mu je odgovorila da je to on. Napisao je: "Krivo, Ryan Reynolds je"
my drunk ASS boyfriend just asked me “whos the handsomest man in the world” and i said “uh.. you?” and he goes “false its fucking Ryan Reynolds”
— dylan (@dylanceeee) July 14, 2018
Pogledajte kako se odjenuti po vrućinama: